An Outline for a Worship Service at Home
If you’re stuck at home on Sunday morning due to bad weather, consider this an opportunity to have a special worship service where you are. Beth and I have done this with our children a few times over the years, and we have (usually ☺) found it to be a good experience. If you have children, it’s good to let them each have a special part in the service. Depending on their age, children or youth might like to read a passage from the Bible, pray, share a message, lead a song, or take the offering! One year, when our daughter, Anna, was young, she had great fun putting together a bulletin for the service.
Here is a sample outline for a service, along with discussion and application questions for the Scripture passage.
- Welcome and opening prayer
- Read Psalm 100
- Sing a familiar worship song or a hymn everyone knows (like Amazing Grace). Singing along with a CD might work well.
- Pray for our nation and our church.
- Read Philippians 2:1-11. This passage tells us about the incarnation – the coming of Jesus in human flesh – and applies His example of humble servanthood to our lives.
- Discussion:
What does verse 6 tell us about who Jesus is? Read also John 1:1-4.
How did Jesus humble Himself? How was He “obedient” to God’s plan? (Phil. 2:7-8)
What has resulted from Jesus’ humbling of Himself and dying on a cross? (Phil. 2:9-11)
What impact should Jesus’ example have upon our attitudes toward others? (Phil. 2:5)
What insight does verse 3 give about Christ-like behavior? What about verse 4?
Share how God has spoken to you through this passage. Is there some way you plan to apply this to your life this week? Does this bring to mind anything you about which you would like to pray? - Give thanks for Jesus’ sacrifice which paid the penalty for the sins of all who trust in Him.
- Pray for one another.
- Close by reading Hebrews 13:20-21 as a benediction.