Marks of a Healthy Disciple of Jesus Christ
1. Has assurance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ resulting in forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life.
2. Has a meaningful daily devotional life consisting of prayer, worship, and Bible study.
3. Has a growing love for the Bible and understands how to read and study the Scripture, and apply its teaching to everyday life.
4. Understands the foundational teachings of the Christian faith and is able to communicate these to others.
5. Has a vital worship life based on faithful attendance and active involvement in a local church.
6. Enjoys fellowship with other Christians for the purpose of mutual encouragement, accountability, and friendship.
7. Has healthy relationships with family, friends, and others based on Jesus’ example of holiness, love, humility, and forgiveness.
8. Leads a stewardship-based life, that is, one in which we see all we have—both time and material possessions—as a trust from God. This includes honoring God with faithful tithing and giving.
9. Is seeking to walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit and has discovered, or is seeking to discover, his or her spiritual gifts, and to use them in service in a local church body.
10. Understands the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ and is committed to evangelism and helping the needy both locally and around the world.