Children's Ministry

The mission of our Children’s Ministry is to nurture children into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus.

From age-appropriate activities to creative biblical teaching, we are intentional in everything we do to build a spiritual foundation in the next generation. Noah’s Ark is our safe, loving environment for nursery and preschool children. Kid's ROCC is our fun and exciting environment for elementary children. We offer both of these environments during our 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. services on Sunday morning.

Nursery & Preschool

Noah’s Ark is an environment created especially for infants through preschool-aged children. During these first years, we know that young children grow and learn at a rapid rate. This is why we strive to lay a strong spiritual foundation in the life of each child. Whether it is through learning a new song, reading a Bible story, or having fun with crafts, we believe that children are never too young to begin learning about the God who created us. Children may be checked in for Noah’s Ark at the Welcome Kiosk, located at the entrance to Noah’s Ark, 15 minutes before service begins. Noah's Ark is offered Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.


Kid's ROCC

Kid’s ROCC is a fast-paced, exciting, and fun learning environment designed for elementary-aged kids that takes place in the gym during Sunday morning worship services at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Each week, children are taught the Bible in creative ways that are age-appropriate and relevant to their lives today. We provide them opportunities to make connections with God, friends and leaders through our large and small group environments, and equip them to live a life that honors God. Children may check-in in the Kid’s ROCC lobby, 15 minutes before service begins. Kid's ROCC is offered on Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Tween ROCC

Tween ROCC is designed for fourth- and fifth-graders to ease their transition into youth. It meets the third Friday of each month from 6:30 to 8:00 pm and provides these students with an opportunity to grow socially and spiritually with their peers. In addition to food, fun, and fellowship, Tweens can expect relevant teaching that will better prepare them to live out their faith.


Children's Resources

Starting Fall 2021, Bible Story videos and lesson information that were previously sent in weekly emails and Take Home cards, will be available only on the Parent Cue App. Kid's ROCC Weekly Devotion will continue to be sent via email, or can be accessed on the Church Center mobile app or website under the 'NA+KR Parent Resources' tab.


As a parent, some of the most important things you do for your child don’t happen in a single day. You make small deposits in their life week after week—over time. Parent Cue helps connect you with practical things to read, do or say to help you engage with the heart of your child this week. These prompts will come in the form of videos and things to talk about in the morning, at mealtime or while you are cuddling with your toddler or driving in the car. Each week there’s even a Phase Cue to help you understand the developmental phase your child is in today.


Children's Ministry Volunteer Opportunities

Noah's Ark Volunteer
Children's Ministry

Change a diaper. Change a mind. Change a life. Okay, maybe it's not that simple, but think about the difference you can make in someone's life.

Kid's ROCC Volunteer
VolunteerChildren's Ministry

You can help new guests get checked in, serve on the technology team, or be a small group leader for elementary aged children.

Children's Ministry Staff