
Current Series

Always Ready

Always Ready will usher in a new season of mission and ministry. It is a next season for which understanding, articulating, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, coupled with coming alongside others in the process of spiritual growth and maturity, will prayerfully shape and impact the Lord's church at River Oaks for years to come.

How to Pray

This series is designed to build your understanding and practice of prayer.

Dealing with Disruptions

Understanding Mary's response to an angel visiting her, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, can help us to better deal with disruptions in our own lives.

Advent 2021

Our Advent sermon series in 2021 is focused on the first two chapters of the Gospel according to Luke.


The Church is called to be united in Christ, united for mission, and united with one another.


Getting in touch with the heart of God.


The Power of Biblical Blessing to Shape Our Lives

I Am Not Ashamed: Living Boldly Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ

The letter of the Apostle Paul to the Romans is a masterpiece of rich, systematic doctrinal teaching unlike any other book of the Bible. As one of the most formal, forceful, logical, and eloquent works ever penned, it has encouraged, empowered and challenged God’s people for centuries.