
Current Series


A 10-week overview on the book of Isaiah.


The Church is called to be united in Christ, united for mission, and united with one another.


Getting in touch with the heart of God.


The Power of Biblical Blessing to Shape Our Lives

I Am Not Ashamed: Living Boldly Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ

The letter of the Apostle Paul to the Romans is a masterpiece of rich, systematic doctrinal teaching unlike any other book of the Bible. As one of the most formal, forceful, logical, and eloquent works ever penned, it has encouraged, empowered and challenged God’s people for centuries. 

Follow Me

Over the course of Jesus’ ministry, there was a contrast refrain in his teaching. Again and again, he extended the same invitation: “Follow me.”

Christmas Eve 2020

Our annual Christmas Eve service oncluding carols, communion, and candle lighting.