This sermon considers how John prepared the way, and what that means...

Jesus entered into spiritual conflict at the very start of his...

Jesus had only 3 years of public ministry upon earth. How He used that...

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? This message explores what...

Jesus' remarkable healings showed His power over the created world. But...

In Luke chapter 6 we read about two episodes from Jesus' life. They are...

Should a Christian's life be significantly different from a...

In this second look at "the sermon on the plain", we examine how Jesus...

Jesus' healings show us more than his power. They also show us his...

The actions of the woman at the Pharisee's house expressed her devotion...

There is a reoccurring question that is raised in Luke's Gospel. Who is...

The transfiguration of Jesus reveals his uniqueness as the Son of God...

In examining the work of the disciples, we see five action steps that...

Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan is one of his best-known...

In Luke 11:1-13, Jesus teaches us to pray as he prays. While far from...

Scripture takes a negative view towards asking for a sign. The reason...

"Is it possible to overcome covetousness and anxiety about money?"...

Why does the Bible emphasize the second coming of Jesus, while not...

What do you think of when you see the word "repent" on a sign or...

God's Kingdom has been called the "Upside Down Kingdom" because the...

In Luke 14:25-35 we find three conditions for discipleship and three...

Luke chapter 15 has often been called the heart of Luke's gospel. In...

Some of the most challenging words about money in all of Scripture came...

Jesus calls his followers to be like him. That means we are called to...

There are approximately 40 unique parables Jesus uses throughout the...

Luke's Gospel presents a remarkable contrast between a rich ruler and a...

We visually associate the word "stewardship" with an appeal to give...

Jesus was rejected by many of the religious leaders of his time. Yet he...

In this message, as we open to the first four verses of Luke 21, we see...

"Why do Christians talk and sing about the blood of Jesus?" "Does it...

Do you feel timid about acknowledging your faith in Jesus? The apostle...

In this message, we take a look at a courtroom drama with high stakes...

Why was Jesus crucified? Was it God's will? Is there anything we should...

The Apostle Paul wrote, "if Christ has not been raised, your faith is...