Series: One Story - Part 1: Law and History
Jesus the Rebuilder
April 19, 2020 | Sonny Flowers
We find Nehemiah continuing the work of God, rebuilding His people, which began in the book of Ezra. The temple has been rebuilt; however, the walls of the city still lie in ruins. God calls Nehemiah to be the leader in the rebuilding not only the walls, but also the lives, of His people.
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Series Information

The Bible is one book—one amazing work of literature —historical, theological, and anthropological. It is the one story of redemption. In part one, we begin in the beginning. The books of the Law and History help lay the foundation for the story. We will notice the continuous narrative of God’s people as the story advances each week. In doing so, we will begin to see the many Old Testament shadows of the One who is the substance in God’s grand plan of redemption—Jesus—the Christ, Messiah, and Savior, the One who is central to the entirety of this one story.